Saturday, September 22, 2012

TheSelects Dumbest Laws Ever

We present to you here the whackiest of laws ever. Many such laws like these have been not verified or proven to be nothing more than old gossip tales. But TheSelects provides you with list of the craziest verfiable laws on the book that existed or still exist.

Inspired from web.

Wearing a Bulletproof Vest While Committing Murder

For those of you planning violent crimes in New Jersey, according to New Jersey statute 2C:39-13, a person has committed a crime if “he uses or wears a body vest while engaged in the commission of, or an attempt to commit, or flight after committing or attempting to commit murder, manslaughter, robbery, sexual assault, burglary, kidnapping, criminal escape or assault.”As used in this section, "body vest" means bullet-
resistant body armor which is intended to provide ballistic and trauma protection.

No Public Displays of Sickness 

According to statute RCW 70.54.050:”Every person who shall willfully expose himself to another, or any animal affected with any contagious or infectious disease, in any public place or thoroughfare, except upon his or its necessary removal in a manner not dangerous to the public health; and every person so affected who shall expose any other person thereto without his knowledge, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Drive on with Lights On 

Drivers in Denmark are supposed to drive vehicles with their headlights on. You’d think this law would apply to night driving but it doesn’t. It is considered essential during the day as well or they may face a fine of up to $100. Studies have shown that this has helped a lot to avoid road accidents in Denmark.

No Flirt 

It may be one of the liberal centers of the known universe, and a place where women are legally allowed to walk around the streets topless (as long as they’re not baring their breasts in order to promote a business). But according to the state’s rule book you can be fined up to $25 for the relatively innocent act of flirting.

No Change 

The Currency Act of 1985 prohibits consumers from using unreasonable amounts of coins to pay for purchases. This means you can’t pay for an item in all coins (especially if it’s over $10). Even the use of dollar-coins is limited. The shop owner has the right to choose whether or not he wants to take your coins but doesn’t have to.

Shock and Awe !                                                

France may have a reputation for being fashion-forward and eternally chic, but the country’s legal code seems to be stuck in the Stone Ages. Turns out, it’s illegal for women to wear trousers in Paris, as reported by the Telegraph.Adjustments in 1892 and 1909 allowed flexibility for women holding the reins of a horse or riding a bicycle, the paper notes.

Women are not allowed to drive , although it is often tolerated in rural areas. Saudi Arabia has no written ban on women driving, but Saudi law requires citizens to use a locally issued license while in the country. Such licenses are not issued to women, thus making it effectively illegal for women to drive.Furthermore, most Saudi scholars and religious authorities have declared women driving haram (forbidden)


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